Relevance of literature with character education

relevance of literature with character education

etymologically the literature comes from the words sas and tra. the root sas means to educate, teach, give instructions. while the -tra ending refers to the tool. so, etymologically literary means a tool to educate, a tool for teaching, and a tool to give instructions. therefore, literature in the past was educative. Literary texts are also not only texts that contain instructions for teaching, more than that in Indonesian this word is commonly used to refer to "literature" or a type of writing that has a certain meaning or beauty.

lots of things obtained from literature. according to Tjokrowinoto (Haryadi, 1994), he introduced the term 'pancaguna' to explain the benefits of old literature:
1. strengthen religious education and character.
2. increasing the love of the country
3. understand the sacrifices of the nation's heroes.
4. increase historical knowledge.

Haryadi (1994) suggests that there are some benefits that can be taken from old literature, namely:
1. Its contents can foster love, pride of the nation and respect for ancestors
2. Its contents can broaden the horizons of national beliefs, customs, and civilizations
3. the performance can foster a sense of unity and unity.
4. The performance provides a model of compact and harmonious cooperation

in some of the statements above show that literature is relevant to character education. Satra's requirements with the values ​​of moral education as desired in character education.


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